Facility & On-Site Equipment
Two (2) Baseball/Softball Cages
Baseball Pitching Machine (Available in Cage 2; Click here for 'how to use')
Two (2) Softball Pitching Machines (Available in Cage 1 & 2); Click here for 'how to use')
11" Softballs
12" Softballs
One (1) Softball Hitting Screens
Two (2) Baseball "L-Screen" Hitting Screens
Dimpled Baseballs for Optional Machine Use
Dimpled Softballs for Optional Machine Use
Bluetooth Speaker
Two (2) Speed & Agility Ladders
One (1) Ball Caddy
Two (2) Ten (10)-Foot Long Softball Pitching Mat with Rubber
29" / 17 oz. Wood "Flat Bat" (use with any balls except real balls)
One (1) 4" Baseball Pitcher's Mound
One (1) 8", 8-Foot Long Pitcher's Mound
Tees (9 rubber, 2 "Tanner")
18" One-Hand Bamboo Training Bat
22" One-Hand Ash Training Bat
Eight (8) 5-foot long 3/4 Inch Thick PVC Pipes
28" Lightweight Skinny Bat
30" , 26 Ounce Skinny Bat (Can Use Real Baseballs/Softballs for Tee-Work & Soft Toss Use)
Small Foam Balls
Tennis Balls
Catcher's Chest Protectors
Catcher's Masks
Shin Guards
Two (2) Right-Handed Gloves
Balance Board
Rubber Bases
Two (2) Reaction Balls
26" 1-Handed End-Heavy Bat
Nine (9) Training/Drill Cones
Six (6) Sixteen-Ounce Weighted Balls
Eight (8) Pound Soft-Exterior Medicine Ball
Twelve (12) Pound Soft-Exterior Medicine Ball
Eight (8) Pound Hard-Exterior Medicine Ball
Twelve (10) Pound Hard-Exterior Medicine Ball
33" / 20 oz. Wood "Flat Bat" (use with any balls except real balls)
Twelve (12) Inch Weighted Softball (9 oz.) for Pitching
Eleven (11) Inch Weighted Softball (8 oz.) for Pitching
Two (2) PVC Hitting Tools (Click here for ' how to use')
30 Inch, 40 oz. 'Camwood' Training Bat
29 Inch, 35 oz. 'Camwood' Training Bat
Pocket Radar Gun (Age 16+ Users Only, Ability to Take Readings Without a 2nd Person)
Three (3) 'Pancake' Training Gloves
Six (6) Plyometric Weighted Training Balls for Throwing/Pitching
Elastic 'J-Bands' (adult & "junior" level resistance) for Shoulder Resistance Exercises in each Cage (multiple anchor points, workout sheet on-site)
32" Barrel Only "Hotspot" Training Bat (Wiffle Ball, Small Foam Ball Use Only
Two (2) Wiffle Ball Bats
24 Wiffle Balls (Two Colors)\
"Rope Bat" (use with tennis balls and/or wiffles only)
Tape Measure
Baseball Helmets*
Baseball Bats*
Softball Helmets*
Softball Bats*
*Baseball helmets, baseball bats, softball helmets, and softball bats (all of various and adult sizes)
are provided to you on-site if you don't have your own.
