Lessons & Instructors
If you're interested in:
1-on-1 Baseball Hitting, Pitching, or Fielding Lessons
1-on-1 Softball Hitting, Slapping, Catching, Pitching, or Fielding Lessons
Please contact LAUNCH LAB BASEBALL & SOFTBALL to discover new student lesson availability, other Lesson booking details, to schedule further Lessons,
or to purchase more Lesson Credits.
See 'Book Our Instructors' below for instructor bios and Credit Pack pricing.
Credits for 1-on-1 Lessons CANNOT be purchased or booked directly through the website or App.
One Credit is thirty (30) minutes with an instructor.
If you are receiving lessons from us, please understand our lesson cancellation policy.
BROCK BRADE: RATE = $1.00/Minute or negotiable
JENELLE SHAMRELL: RATE = $1.00/Minute or negotiable
KAYLA WEBER: RATE = $1.00/Minute or negotiable
WALKER GENTZ: RATE = $1.00/Minute or negotiable
AARON VERTUNO: RATE = $1.00/Minute or negotiable
If you're interested in using our Instructors' services outside of the
Facility in a Consultant role for you and/or your team and their practice(s),
contact LAUNCH LAB BASEBALL & SOFTBALL to discuss and schedule. We will provide
whatever service necessary to help you achieve your stated goal(s).
Services May Include, But Are Not Limited To:
Group/Team Pitching
Group/Team Fielding
Group/Team Hitting
Group/Team Baserunning
Group/Team Slapping (Softball)
Group/Team Catching (Softball)
Other Practice or Practice Structure Help